
Friday, December 23, 2011

It's a Carry'on Mon

After a hectic Wednesday of running through airports to catch connecting flights after take off delays, my brother, <name retracted>, and I successfully arrived on the island of Grand Bahama. Whew. It was touch and go all morning with battling slight hangovers (ok...we may have started vacation early) -- delayed take-off in NY -- landing just in time in Charlotte, NC to make our flight (we took off 15 min after getting on the plane) -- only to arrive in The Grand Bahamas realizing we haven't eaten since the prior night (or gone to the loo since 6:30 AM).   Estimated total time in all airports = 25 minutes..gotta be a record.   Did I mention my carry-on suitcase?

As we were about to board our US Airways flight at Laguardia Airport in New York, the attendant at the gate gave me a stub and put a label on my suitcase. No big deal, I figured, I am just leaving it by the door of the plane, they put it underneath and you get it back as soon as you step off the flight, right? I've done it a dozen times before. Wrong, Apparently things are changing. As explained to me by the stewardess, my bag would not be arriving at North Carolina where our next flight was departing, but at my final destination in the Bahamas. Only first class travelers are privy to these privileges now. I mentioned before how we ran through the Charlotte Airport to our next flight which was already boarded, right? If we could barely make it to our plane, my luggage would surely not. 

In the past 3 years, 3 out of 6 times I have flown I have had issues with my luggage being delayed, all on connecting flights. No use stressing about it, all I could do was wait and see. Now here I am at 2pm in the Bahamian Airport starving and waiting for the conveyor belt to start (luckily the bathroom situation was resolved as soon as reaching the airport). Conveyor starts, after about 20 pieces, I spot my luggage. Yes! Success. Now, time to get some food, a drink and some sun. It's Island time, Mon. 

First Up, Ginger beer with Appleton Jamaican Rum and an orange slice.


  1. dark and stormy's make everything better :)

  2. Sure does! Although it was a white rum....light and stormy perhaps?? It was the perfect way to kick off the vacation!
