
Thursday, February 2, 2012

The best part of the North

Anyone who has lived in the Northeast for a Winter knows how it has a lot more bad than good. However come late Winter the tables turn as it becomes sugar season. Nothing I have tasted comes close to real fresh maple syrup. In years past I have worked a bunch in sugar houses but this season being the first back in a long time I figured I would make a few small batches of syrup at home.

For those of you who have not tapped a Maple tree here is the quick run down. First identify a Maple, Sugar Maple being the best but Red, Silver, Norway etc. also work. Then for small production drill your hole and hammer in your tap then hang your bucket. Once you have a good amount start the boiling and boiling and boiling.
When your sap turns color, reduces low and is 7.1 degree's above boiling temperature of water on that day you have syrup! Filter, cool and eat. Very rewarding that something so tasty can be free and is relatively easy even though it takes a long time.

I am a big fan of maple butter so I like to make some batches a little thicker and use it to spread on toast, crackers or just eat it off the spoon.

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