
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Product Review: Prana Pant

Prana Sutra pant getting tested at Joshua Tree.

15 years ago I got my first piece of Prana clothing in the way of a pair of shorts for climbing while working at a climbing gym. So it's fair to say I have been a fan for a while since climbing, travel and Yoga are all parts of my life. Right now I am on my third pair of Sutra pants and decided it was time for a review.
They are a pretty simple design; straight leg, two pockets and a draw string. I have never been one for baggy linen looking pants but decided these looked pretty good and could be great for Yoga so I purchased my first pair with that much information.

Since I have been wearing them for a while, I have found a few things out. I will start with my dislikes just because. While they are said to be great for bouldering I have found them to be way to thin and a little to baggy to use while climbing outside. They work fine in a gym but outdoors too many things snag, pull, rub and tear at them to last any period of time and I don’t want to ruin a pricey pair of pants in just a few sessions. For Yoga, I find that the tie in front can dig in while in poses such as Salabhasana, the superman one, when your weight is on your pelvis. An option to move the tie to the side would be nice. Another annoyance is not being able to fold up the leg and have it stay. I would like to keep the length around my ankle for Yoga but at the same time I am not going to hem them and then not be able to wear them around outside without feeling like a flood is coming. A small button and tab or a cinch tie could be an amazing fix to this.
Since I do wear them daily I must like them right? That is correct, while they do have the above mentioned issues overall I think they are great for guys looking for a yoga/travel/ indoor climbing pant. The little bit of stretch works well with keeping them from hooking on your knee and stopping a high step. The light weight is great for not heating up to much and more importantly drying out fast. Even though the pockets are simple they are pretty good sized are good for a passport, boarding pass or ID while going through airports. Finally, the earth friendly materials ease your mind and work well with keeping to their original form over repeated washings.
Hopefully you found this review helpful and if you have any questions let me know! Check back often for more honest product reviews and all sorts of other great stuff.

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