
Sunday, May 13, 2012

DIY: How to spruce up your cabin - recycle your lights!

I had removed the light fixtures back in November before we winterized the boat. The aluminum had become less than desirable from not being up kept so we had to figure out a new plan for them. Since the lights were not broken there was no need to replace them, but just because you aren't buying new, doesn't mean they can't look new!

What you need:

  • 1 can of High Heat metal adhesive spray paint - I used Rust-Oleum High Heat in white. ($8)
  • Your light fixtures  
  • a ventilation mask
  • a clean space out of the wind

 What you do:                                                      
  1. Prep your light fixtures by cleaning with soap and water, make sure to wipe them thoroughly so there's no residue. 
  2. Spray even thin coats (better to go thin then over do it and get an uneven paint job).
  3. Ventilate your area when you are done. When I was done I threw up the garage doors and aired out my space for a couple hours. 
  4. Allow 30 min to 1 hour to dry before touching and about 5 days for the paint to really set in.

Presto! New clean crisp lights to match your interior and all for just 8 dollars!! 

old to new!

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