
Friday, August 3, 2012

Catching Up

Sunset from our slip
It's been a while since our last post and I feel like so much has happened since then.

The biggest news is our beautiful boat sails and boy does she like it! Neto Nomad made her maiden voyage 2 weeks ago! We took her out into Casco Bay past Fort Gorgeous and about halfway past Great Diamond Island. We did a few tacks and headed back.

Nick at the helm
It was a gorgeous night to be out sailing with winds around 8 knots (plenty for her first trip) and we headed back to the marina. The most nervous I was was pulling out of the dock, with just a little finagling we managed just find. Nick docked like he had been doing it for years! It was exhilarating to get the boat out after all that hard work. It paid off.

A beautiful day to sail
Since then we have been out a few more times, nothing more than Casco Bay but this next week coming up we plan to do some Island hopping. We'll keep you posted!

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