
Sunday, August 26, 2012

They call it Pea Soup

Aes Dana - Alignments by Blossom331

We ventured off earlier this week after the fog lifted only to be greeted back by it like a warm unwanted hug. They call it pea soup in the world of boaters. It's thick and you can't see through it. We were already past the Portland Head Light so Nick used his navigational skills to map out the buoys and the time it would take us to get to them. Eventually we would near the buoy and hear the bell or the gong as if it were celebrating our arrival. We turned our heading towards Jewell Island and cautiously proceeded along, continuing to monitor the GPS, VHF and signaling our bell every 2 minutes. Suddenly, emerging from the nothingness, we saw cliffs. There she was, Jewell Island was in our sight.

Located approximately 8 miles NE of Portland Harbor, Jewell Island is a small uninhabited island with tales of hidden treasures from Captain Kidd and whispers of haunted World War II bunkers and its shores with long gone bootleggers.

With Nick in search of wave break locations we decided to hike around the shore line instead of the trails through the forest. We rock scrambled and navigated through the low tide seaweed encountering caves, buoy graveyards and cliffs. 
It took us longer than we thought to get around the island (we're easily distracted) so when we finally got to Cocktail Cove we cut back through the woods to where our boat lay waiting. After a quick swim we climbed back on board and prepped the boat for the sail home.

Neto Nomad anchored at Jewell Island

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