
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bowsprit again

Catch up time! So the bowsprit needed all new wood and hardware on the deck but the underneath was equally as bad. Above are the new metal plates ordered to replace the rusted out one. If all was perfect we could afford stainless steel but we don't have that sort of money, if anyone would like feel free to donate!, so we opted for a middle of the road steel. Since we know it will rust out eventually I tried to make the new plate as easy as possible to replace. The old one was so wedged in to tight spots and tabbed with fiberglass that it was not not somthing I wish to remove again. Since I had no welder onboard I went with a column as the vertical reinforcement and tapped holes in either end to blot it all together. After breaking three taps it did happen!

Lineing up 9 holes through the White Oak, deck and finally the metal plate was not easy. Trying to hold the plate over your head in the tight spot while haveing Carolyn drop bolts through the holes was a task that could have used two more arms. Once everything was lined up we used resin and filler to build up a solid bed below and above the plates then rushed like mad to tighten all the bolts before it cured.

After sanding, priming and finally painting it is all ready for the anchor, rode and chain.

Look from the outside. Ready for years of service.

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