
Monday, September 10, 2012

A Cooler Winter then Expected

Finding balance
 Nick and I had a tough talk this week. Due to our boat needing more work than expected once she got in the water and the warm summer months fading away, the cool night breeze reminded us that Fall was here and with it, decision time. Our big plan to head South to the Bahamas never seemed further away, how was it September already?

With major projects still looming, going South with original rigging (1976) just didn't seem like a solid plan. Yes, we are disappointed but, we remembered why we ultimately bought S/V Neto Nomad -- to cut away all the excess we were living with and grow, learn and explore the coast and ocean together. For that, we don't need to be in the Bahamas, we need to be together on our boat.

We have a lot to look forward to with the changing of the seasons...

Since we'll be staying in New England for the next year, we plan to head outside of Casco Bay to explore what we have been told on numerous occasions, is one of the best cruising grounds in the world;

We will learn what it takes to live aboard during winter months;

We are also excited to have been invited to help crew a friends boat since he will be doing an overnight from Portland to Cape Cod as he heads south, this experience is priceless for us and we are really looking forward to it!

So for this winter, we stay local...and I try to convince Nick to make Bahama Mamas while we warm our toes by the heater.

Stay tuned folks, we've only just begun :)

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