
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Climbing Upper Goose

After a long Summer of limited climbing we decided to take up the quest to follow rummors of a climable boulder on a near by island. After convincing a friend to come along we headed up the bay to Upper Goose. The above is the first sighting of the island cluster.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Teaching Roger Long: A 48 Hour sail aboard s/v Strider

The sea gods must have been looking over us (or had a strange sense of humor) when our path crossed with Roger Long's.
Leaving Portland Harbor aboard Strider
We originally met Roger while he was working on Strider on the hard over the summer. We chatted over our mutual plans of heading south for the winter. As our friendship grew, Roger ended up showing us things such as the ways of reefing and taking us out on a rougher day.

As the "To do" list kept growing for Neto Nomad and September kept creeping nearer, going south was no longer an option for us. Roger, however, threw another option our way: Come cruising on Strider for the first 48 hours leg of his trip south.

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Cooler Winter then Expected

Finding balance
 Nick and I had a tough talk this week. Due to our boat needing more work than expected once she got in the water and the warm summer months fading away, the cool night breeze reminded us that Fall was here and with it, decision time. Our big plan to head South to the Bahamas never seemed further away, how was it September already?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

MMM Pork

It should be apparent by now that we have a fondness for pork products. I would consider myself a rather well traveled person who has made a point of trying as many pulled pork sandwiches as possible. In my quest to make my own perfect sandwich I took another try recently with very good results despite only having one small electric burner to work with.

At this time I can tell I am only a few more attempts away from creating the best sandwich ever. Unfortunately for you all I am not sharing my recipe until it is perfected, so with that in mind I would stay tuned. For now the basics are pork butt, bacon, beer and onions.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bowsprit again

Catch up time! So the bowsprit needed all new wood and hardware on the deck but the underneath was equally as bad. Above are the new metal plates ordered to replace the rusted out one. If all was perfect we could afford stainless steel but we don't have that sort of money, if anyone would like feel free to donate!, so we opted for a middle of the road steel. Since we know it will rust out eventually I tried to make the new plate as easy as possible to replace. The old one was so wedged in to tight spots and tabbed with fiberglass that it was not not somthing I wish to remove again. Since I had no welder onboard I went with a column as the vertical reinforcement and tapped holes in either end to blot it all together. After breaking three taps it did happen!